
*Equal contribution       Shared senior authorship

Stark, KA, Clegg, T, Bernhardt, J, Grainger, TN, Kempes, CA, Savage, V, †O’Connor, MI and †Pawar, S. Towards a dynamic Metabolic Theory of Ecology to predict climate change effects on biological systems. In revision at The American Naturalist.

Stroud, JT, Delory, BM, Barnes, EM, Chase, JM, De Meester, L, Dieskau, J, Grainger, TN, Halliday, FW, Kardol, P, Knight, TM, Ladouceur, E, Little, CJ, Roscher, C, Sarneel, JM, Temperton, VM, van Steijn, T, Werner, CM, Wood, CW and Fukami, T. 2024. Priority effects transcend scales and disciplines in biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Maternity leave (12 months)

Grainger, TN, Senthilnathan, A, Ke, P, Barbour, MA, Jones, NT, DeLong, JP, Otto, SP, O’Connor, MI, Coblentz, KE, Goel, N, Sakarchi, J, Szojka, MC, Levine, JM and Germain, RM. 2022. An empiricist’s guide to using ecological theory. The American Naturalist 1: 1-20.

Grainger, TN and Levine, JM. 2022. Rapid evolution of life history traits in response to warming, predation and competition: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 25: 541-554.

*Ou, WJ, *Henriques, GJB, Senthilnathan, A, Ke, P, Grainger, TN and Germain, RM. 2022. Writing accessible theory in ecology and evolution: insights from Cognitive Load Theory. BioScience 3: 300-313. 

Grainger, TN, Rudman, SM, Schmidt, P and Levine, J. 2021. Competitive history shapes rapid evolution in a seasonal climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 

Grainger, TN, Levine, JM and Gilbert, B. 2019. The invasion criterion: a common currency for ecological research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34: 925-935.

Germain, RM, Jones, NT and Grainger, TN. 2019. Cryptic dispersal networks shape biodiversity in an invaded landscape. Ecology 100: e02738.

Grainger, TN, Letten, AD, Gilbert, B and Fukami, T. 2019. Applying modern coexistence theory to priority effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116: 6205-6210.

Germain, RM, Grainger, TN, Jones, N and Gilbert, B. 2019. Maternal provisioning is structured by species’ competitive neighborhoods. Oikos 128: 45-53.

Maternity leave (8 months)

Smith, J, Letten, AD, Ke, P, Anderson, CB, Hendershot, JN, Dhami, MK, Dlott, GA, Grainger, TN, Howard, ME, Morrison, BML, Routh, D, San Juan, P, Mooney, H, Mordecai, EA, Crowther, T and Daily, GC. 2018. A global test of ecoregions. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 1889-1896.

Grainger, TN, Rego, AI and Gilbert, B. 2018. Temperature-dependent species interactions shape priority effects and the persistence of unequal competitors. The American Naturalist 191: 197-209.

Wong, L, Grainger, TN, Start, D and Gilbert, B. 2017. An invasive herbivore structures plant competitive dynamics. Biology Letters 13: 20170374.

Grainger, TN and Gilbert, B. 2017. Multi-scale responses to warming in an experimental insect metacommunity. Global Change Biology 23: 5151-5163.

Grainger, TN, Germain, RM, Jones, NT and Gilbert, B. 2017. Predators modify biogeographic constraints on species distributions in an insect metacommunity. Ecology 98: 851-860.

Grainger, TN and Gilbert, B. 2016. Dispersal and diversity in experimental metacommunities: linking theory and practice. Oikos 125: 1213-1223 (Editor’s choice)

Jones, NT, Germain, RM, Grainger, TN, Hall, A, Baldwin, L and Gilbert, B. 2015. Dispersal mode mediates the effect of patch size and patch connectivity on metacommunity diversity. Journal of Ecology 103: 935-944.

Zhang, J, Nielsen, SE, Grainger, TN, Kohler, M, Chipchar, T and Farr, D. 2014. Sampling landscape-scale plant diversity and rarity: the importance of sampling time in species detectability. PLoS ONE 9: 95334.

Grainger, TN and Turkington, R. 2013. Long-term nutrient enrichment differentially affects investment in sexual reproduction in four boreal forest understory species. Plant Ecology 214: 1017-1026.

Grainger, TN and Turkington, R. 2013. Mechanisms for success after long-term nutrient enrichment in a boreal forest understory. PLoS ONE 8: 61229.

Grainger, TN and Turkington, R. 2012. Germinability of Epilobium angustifolium seeds from plants treated annually with fertilizer for twenty-two years. Davidsonia 22: 2-8.